Published On: October 18, 2021775 words3.9 min read

There are some things that money cannot buy, like manners, morals, and intelligence.
There are also things that shouldn’t be traded for money…again, manners, morals, and intelligence. See a pattern there? Here are some of the things I’ve drawn my line in the sand about (list may grow as I get older and wiser):

  1. I refuse to create something covered by a copyright. Don’t ask. 
    By far, the question I get asked the most is if I’ll create something from Disney. Many makers shy away from Disney because they will straight up shut you down and take your house. Those folks are legit, yo!
    I choose not to because… I. KNOW. BETTER.
    I’ve literally taken college classes that deal with copyright infringement. I’m a designer myself, so it makes no sense for me to steal someone else’s intellectual property. I’ve had my work stolen and so have people in my family, it doesn’t feel good! When people wonder if I’m honest in my daily dealings with others, I want a reputation that screams, “Absolutely!” Do a lot of people do it? Yep. Have they gotten caught? Nope. Will they ever get caught? Who knows…maybe not. But, I believe someone always sees.
    I even go the extra mile and purchase all of the typography I use. Does it cut into my profits? Yes.
    Do I sleep better at night knowing I’m not screwing over someone else? You bet I do!
  2. You’ll never have to worry about me dropping the bomb on you.
    Last year I watched my news feed BLOW UP with f-flakes.
    I was instantly transported back to my junior English class when I heard that word dropped in the hallway. I watched my teacher get up, go out into the hallway and pull a kid to her classroom just outside of the doorway. Sitting in the corner front desk, I had a pretty good spot to hear what she said next. She didn’t yell, she didn’t threaten, she didn’t get him in trouble. She told him he was smart. I listened as she asked him if he knew how unintelligent that word made him sound. “Out of all the adjectives in the thesaurus, if that’s the only one you know, you’re not speaking your intelligence.”
    She went on to tell him that she knew how smart he was because he was in her class and she saw his work. She let him know he was doing a disservice to himself, his teachers, his parents, and anyone else who had ever tried to educate him. She told him to “use your words”.
    To this day, this is something I tell my own children when I hear them say something that goes against their intelligence.
    The f-bomb goes against mine. Not to mention, I’m an example to them.
    A lot of my friends use it, I don’t love ’em any less. I let them be them, and they return the favor.
    Many other vendors will use it like candy to make a profit, so I’m sure consumers won’t miss me in that market.
    I choose to speak my intelligence-and create it, as well.
  3. I won’t undercut another maker’s price. Again, don’t ask.
    Newsflash>>>Anyone CAN make it cheaper. They can give it away for free!
    I know… shocker.
    Not many people will tell you that, but I will.
    It hurts their pocketbook, but they can.
    A lot of makers buy their designs the same places you and I can. I have many files that others have purchased, too. I have the luxury of being able to design my own, but many don’t. Why would I hurt their business and undercut them?
    Instead, if I see an item listed on someone else’s page or group, I’ll do just the opposite, I’ll make sure my price is just as high as theirs, if not higher.
    I know my own business’s worth, so therefore, I know theirs.
    I refuse to stab another maker in the back. You can read a little more about it here.
    My only hope is that they treat me the same way.

I wholeheartedly believe the Bible when it says, “By their fruits ye shall know them.” (Matt. 7:20.)
So, if you can live with walking down the moral high road I’ve chosen, I hope you do. If you can’t, I hope you respect it, as I’ll respect yours. I also hope you take the time to get to know me, so I can get to know you. My customers and clients are some of my greatest friends, and my life usually carries enough adventure for everyone to share, lol!


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