Published On: November 29, 2023169 words0.8 min read

Those who know me may remember the 12th was our wedding anniversary. Our 12th, to be exact.
We had the stomach flu.
It sucked.
We rescheduled and celebrated last weekend.
It was an interesting week that ended even more interestingly.
It forced me to look at my husband, really look at him. What I saw was the man who fills my soul.
Is he perfect? Nope. But, he is a good man who is perfect for me.
To be honest, most days his flaws do battle with my flaws, but at the end of the day, he’s still my biggest supporter. Which means, he’s the company’s biggest supporter. He may roll his eyes and groan when I say I have an idea, but he just might grab a grinder and rip down half a barn for me, too. It’s a literal crap shoot every day, but I’m super glad he’s right by my side.
Thanks, Hun, for rarely telling me no and for usually doing the grocery shopping.  <3

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